Quitting smoking is difficult but not impossible

06 15, 2021
Enrique Rosales

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Tobacco is still a problem in our society but knowing the benefits and positive changes that the body experiences after quitting smoking are an excellent motivation to embark on this journey.

We realize that quitting smoking is not an easy task, but it is worth a try. For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the United States, cigarette smoking is linked to about 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths. Another shocking fact is people who smoke cigarettes have between 15 and 30 times more likely to get it. Smoking also causes other types of cancers found in the mouth or throat; in addition to that, over time, it decreases the quality of life of people since it affects different parts of our body.

Quitting smoking also has immediate rewards, which we’ve listed below.

  • Food tastes better.
  • The sense of smell returns to normal.
  • Breath, hair, and clothing smell better.
  • Teeth and nails stop having a yellowish color.
  • You’ll experience Improvements to circulation and lung functionality. 
  • Activities like climbing stairs or cleaning will be less strenuous.
  • The appearance and health of the skin improve.

How to overcome the urge to smoke again

The craving for smoking usually lasts a few minutes. It is during that time when you must decide whether or not to light a cigarette. To overcome this situation, which can occur several times a day, you must have the right tools and the support of your loved ones.

First, try to cut down on beverages like coffee or tea, as they have ingredients that could make you anxious. Do not forget to exercise daily to release endorphins, which will reduce the craving for nicotine, and you will feel more relaxed.

When you notice the first symptoms of tension, take a deep breath, inhaling slowly through your nose and exhaling through your mouth to get your heart rate back to normal. Taking a moment of the day to relax in a quiet environment is also recommended. 

Although the common belief is that the symptoms disappear as the first month passes after quitting smoking, each person is different and lives this process at a different pace. What you are going through is a positive sign that your body is slowly detoxifying from nicotine. Remember, try to keep yourself busy and seek to relax completely to overcome anxiety spasms when trying to quit. Finally, do not rule out asking your doctor for help; he or she will offer you the ideal treatment to support you on this journey.

How to Recover from a Smoking Relapse

If you have a relapse, don't give up! Changes do not happen overnight. Smoking is a chronic addictive habit, so it is normal for this desire to appear suddenly. It does not mean that you have failed. On the contrary, it shows that we are human and, it's an opportunity to learn from our mistakes. But to give you a hand, here are some tips to get you back on track.

  • This relapse was just a minor mistake. Take note of when and how it happened and move on.
  • Did you become a chain smoker from smoking a cigarette? Of course not! Keep in mind that a single cigarette did not make you a smoker at first, so smoking again (or even two or three) after quitting does not make you a smoker again.
  • Remind yourself why you quit and how well you did, or ask someone in your support group, family, or group of friends to do it for you.
  • Reward yourself. As you already know, quitting smoking is not easy at all. Give yourself a well-deserved reward! Reserve the money you used to invest in buying cigarettes to buy yourself a gift. It can be a book, clothes or those speakers that you have wanted so much. And every new year that you spend tobacco-free, celebrate again! You will have earned it!

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